In this episode, Mr. Anupam Sinha and Mr. Sanjay Gupta discuss the First Issue of Raj Comics Superhero Super Commando Dhruva, the story of his Origin and how he came into being.
Just came across this video (Hindi) on the new Raj Comics Motion Pictures YouTube channel. I have never written about it (except a little here and here) but growing up, comics, especially those from Raj, were my first love. Happy to see that Raj Comics is finally catching up with times and working on bringing their original characters to motion pictures and alongside taking the time to document some of their history. Super Commando Dhruva was probably my most favorite among their characters, being someone relatable who primarily relied on his brain to solve problems without having access to any superpowers.
Also happy to see and hear Anupam Sinha and Sanjay Gupta speak after enjoying their work for so many years. :)